

全球有限公司 - 2018年11月20日


MH&L工作人员 | 物料搬运及物流

Manufacturers in the United States are experiencing some of the highest levels of growth we've seen in decades, yet the industry continues to face the challenges of keeping up with the resulting rebound in job growth.

美国如何.S. 扭转了制造业的颓势

从今年到2028年,有这么多职位空缺, 到2028年,制造业GDP可能面临4540亿美元的风险, 或者大于2美元.未来10年将增加5万亿美元.

随着美国经济的增长.S. 经济继续发展,制造业在一个蓬勃发展的行业创造了越来越多的就业机会, the industry’s pre-existing workforce crisis could get even worse according to a new 2018 skills gap study, released today by Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute — the social impact arm of the 全国制造商协会 (NAM). 不断扩大的制造业技能差距预计将从488人左右扩大,今天有2000个职位空缺,最多可达2个.4 million 制造业 jobs going unfilled between this year and 2028 (compared with 2 million jobs between 2015 and 2025 per our earlier study). In turn, $454 billion in 制造业 GDP could be at risk in 2028, 或者大于2美元.未来10年将增加5万亿美元.

“Manufacturers in the United States are experiencing some of the highest levels of growth we’ve seen in decades, 然而,该行业似乎无法跟上由此带来的就业增长反弹,保罗·韦纳说, 副主席, 德勤管理咨询公司, 和你.S. 工业产品和建筑业的领头羊. “到2028年,预计将有近200万个新职位空缺.6900万个退休工人的职位空缺, the number of open positions could be greater than ever and might pose not only a major challenge for manufacturers but may threaten the vitality of the industry and our economy.”

“虽然今天的制造业正在蓬勃发展和乐观, 该行业的劳动力危机似乎给未来蒙上了一层乌云. About 73% of manufacturers cite this crisis as their top concern according to the NAM’s latest ‘Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey,’ and The Manufacturing Institute’s new study with Deloitte only underlines the urgency of taking on and solving this challenge,卡罗琳·李说, 他是美国制造业协会的执行董事.

“造成这场危机的因素有很多, from having the wrong perceptions about what modern 制造业 jobs look like to not having the necessary skills to get them, which is why The Manufacturing Institute is working hard to solve it in a multifaceted way. 我们正在推动一系列的倡议, 旨在吸引和激励更多的年轻人, 更多的女性, more veterans and more Americans of all backgrounds to build great careers in the industry that built our country.” 


美国有五成的技术工人职位空缺.S. 由于技能差距危机,制造业今天仍然无人居住. These “skilled positions” require specific training or skillsets and often take months to fill. 其中包括为熟练生产工人提供的职位, 供应链人才, 数字人才, 工程师, 研究人员, 科学家们, 软件工程师和运营经理. 该研究指出了这些职位往往无人填补的主要原因, 对制造业的负面看法占比最高(45%)。, followed by the notable shift in desired skillsets due to the introduction of advanced technologies (36%) and retirement of baby boomers (36%).

在接下来的三年里, the inability to fill open positions is expected to have the greatest impact on 制造业 companies that are maintaining or increasing production levels to satisfy growing customer demand (51%). This will likely also pose a challenge for nearly half of the manufacturers responding to new market opportunities and those increasing growth as measured by revenue (47% each).


“为了解决技能短缺问题, 公司正在尝试新的方法来填补空缺,吸引求职者,查德·穆特雷说, 导演, 美国制造业研究中心首席经济学家, 全国制造商协会. “Some manufacturers are shifting their own policies to be more adaptive and flexible, 例如,允许非生产工作从远程位置完成, while others are implementing new technology like automation to supplement the existing workforce.”

减轻技能短缺的影响,开始缩小差距, 大多数接受调查的公司都把精力集中在几个特定领域, including adopting broader HR management practices to hire and retain talent (37%) and building knowledge transfer programs to pass on skills between retiring and new workers (32%), 研究说明. 其他企业则转向外包某些职能(24%).

Additional approaches surveyed manufacturers are taking to solve the employment challenge include:

  • Adopting learning and development programs – Along with building programs to transfer knowledge from retirees to new workers, 39% of respondents said they are implementing new learning and development programs both internally and externally to help mitigate the skills shortage.
  • Increasing flexibility in the hiring process – More than three-quarters (77%) of manufacturers are willing to prioritize competencies and potential in job candidates over strict adherence to sometimes arbitrary factors like years of experience, and 65 percent are willing to fill a position and train on the job rather than demanding a certain skillset upfront.
  • 利用退休的、有经验的劳动力——预期的2.69 million workers retiring from 制造业 jobs in the coming decade are expected to have a significant impact, but it can be turned into a competitive advantage for those manufacturers who are savvy. Developing knowledge transfer programs and creating short-term project opportunities for retirees are ways to potentially retain the value of the most experienced employees.
  • Turning to automated technologies and embracing technology —Thanks to technological change, the industry overall is trending quickly towards jobs — including entry-level jobs — that are high-skilled and require irreplaceable human skills, 比如创造力, 批判性思维, 设计与创新. 当涉及到更注重生产的职位时, 然而, automation is becoming increasingly important in light of the skills gap challenge. 目前, 1 in 4 (26%) manufacturers are investing in productivity-enhancing technologies and nearly 60 percent said that they also plan to rely more on automation over the next three years — often as part of an overall strategy to help to alleviate the industry’s serious and continuing struggles in finding talent. 
  • Increasing wages and offering signing bonuses – The majority of companies (83 percent) are prepared to pay more to attract and retain skilled talent, 8%的公司提供签约奖金.